Do you have pets? Well, then you will totally love this post! Here is our herd of cats! They are a mother cat and her three kittens. We adopted Romeo, who had a twin sister named Juliet who we did not adopt, because she had already found another home. When we took Romeo home, we let him spend time both outside and inside. He would climb the huge live oak tree in our back yard all the time, and brought us "gifts" of rats from the right-of-way at the end of our cul-de-sac. He would spend time with the neighbor's big orange male cat, and they would both act territorial at times. We were so thrilled with the lifestyle we were giving our little male kitty --freedom to be outside and lots of cozy lap time inside. When the seasons changed, and spring time was in the air, we noticed Romeo out in the street with some other cats.

It became very quickly apparent that Romeo was not boy cat. He/She was frolicking with another cat in the street. Romeo must have really been "Juliet", because in a few months after the love fest in the street "he" had kittens. We did not plan to have kittens ever, and we should have had her spayed sooner, but since she was "male" in our minds we were not in any rush to take care of that surgery. We planned to do it with in a year of adopting him/her. It was too late to do anything about it once we realized our gender mistake. We felt bad to add more cats to the world when there are so many in shelters and in need of homes. But what happened, happened. So Romeo (yes we kept her name, because by that point it was stuck) had four kittens, but one died shortly after birth. The other three kittens did great and were soo cute! Tommy was the only male kitten, and he had two beautiful sisters --Callie and Fluffy. I knew from the first time I saw Fluffy that I wanted to keep her. She is such a beautiful and unique looking cat and has the sweetest, most gentle personality. I just fell in love with her immediately. Callie and Tommy were up for adoption for several weeks, and some people wanted to come see them or think about adopting one or both of them, but something kept not working out. So, by the time they were a couple months old, we were much too attached to them all to think of giving them up or taking them to a shelter. So, we decided at that point to keep them. They have been such a wonderful part of our family, and we love them so much! They each have fun personalities and are very loving and playful.

Tommy and Romeo share a sunny afternoon nap. The back of the love seat in the living room is a
favorite place to curl up and sleep for all the cats. Sometimes they are territorial and
only one is in "the spot" but usually Romeo makes room for any of her kittens. |
Tommy basking in the sun on the living room floor. |
Yes, that look in Romeo's eyes is guilt. Clean laundry. She knows better . . . naughty Romeo! |
A rare photo with all four cats in one spot! |
Callie checking out the view from Isaac's window. |
Callie watching birds and squirrels out the back door. |
Fluffy loves to perch up high on the ledge by the front door. She sometimes does some racing back and forth in the house and then does a flying leap up onto the ledge! Then she gets this wild look in her eye and does it all over again! It's hilarious!! |
Tommy is chillin' out! |
Cozy nap time for Fluffy on the back of the couch. This is her favorite spot to sleep! |
Romeo is as soft as she looks. Her fur feels like silk! |
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