Bluebonnet country

Bluebonnet country

Friday, September 4, 2015

Something to make your morning extra good

I love the fresh, ripe berries available during the summer months! Breakfasts where berries are the "star" are my favorite! I love blue berry muffins. I love berry smoothies. Jason loves blue berry sauce on my multigrain waffles. Isaac loves blue berries. I love every berry I have ever tasted. As we come to the end of the season for berries, we must take advantage of these beauties and their sweetness ! This breakfast bowl is a great way to do it.  Try it for yourself!! You know you want to!  

Berry Breakfast Bowl

Toasted Coconut Vanilla Greek Yogurt

You could put anything in this you like. I also enjoy this combo with granola sprinkled in. I just love simple combinations like this for their fresh taste and health benefits. Walnuts are great "brain food", because they contain vitamin E, folate, melatonin, omega-3 fats, and antioxidants.The cool thing is that if you turn them bottom side up they look like little brains.

My favorite flavor for this yummy breakfast treat is from Dannon Oikos,
but you could use any yogurt and even a non-dairy type of yogurt. 

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