Bluebonnet country

Bluebonnet country

Sunday, December 13, 2015

My Favorite Things at Christmas! Part 1

It's December, the time of the year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. What a wonderful gift God sent to us when He gave His ALL . . . His own Son, to save us from our sins. We do not know the date of Jesus' birth, but it is still an amazing time of year to remember the greatest Gift ever. As we give gifts to our loved ones and sing songs about Jesus' birth, our hearts are filled with love. God is love, and His love was demonstrated perfectly when He gave us Jesus.

Unfortunately, the holiday season has also been perverted by commercialism, greed, and a spirit of selfishness. But, I believe if an individual maintains the right, biblically sound, attitude of love and generosity, that Christmas can be a joyful blessing and an appropriate holiday to celebrate. Some aspects to the story of Santa Claus are even admirable. History tells a story of a leader from the early days of Christianity who was deemed Saint Nicholas (Claus), and he would often give food to the hungry and provide clothes for the poor. St. Nicholas used his wealth to help people pay off their ransom to avoid the need to enter slavery or servanthood to pay off their debts. This historical figure is who the modern day Santa Claus is meant to symbolize. However, like any tradition in a modern and now post-modern world, the essence of who the original Santa Claus was, is somewhat distorted and sadly lost as sales pitches and dollar signs multiply in stores and businesses. However, there are many many people who recognize the value in selfless giving--extra generously--to help the less fortunate during the holiday season.  It is encouraging to see efforts made to share Christmas cheer with others around us. I believe the deeper, historical idea of Santa Claus is still being lived out in good and charitable ways.

Here are a few of my favorite things at Christmas time!

Our Christmas tree! 

Snowmen on the mantle! 

Stockings hung with care! 

Three Carolers . . . an heirloom from my Nana (Dad's Mom). I remember seeing these on a small table next to my Nana's piano in her home in Philadelphia --the home where my Dad grew up. When she moved from her home, she offered trinkets or small memorable decorations to her grandchildren. I selected these three carolers. I treasure them as they bring back wonderful memories of my Nana
and all the fun we had visiting in her home.

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